October / November 2005 - Guatemala, Mexico, Belize and Honduras

Guatemala city


108,890 km²
(2.6x the Netherlands)


UTC -6


Spanish and Maya Quiché languages

Highest point

Tajumulco - 4,220 m


The current flag was officially adopted in 1885. The flag of Guatemala is based on the flag of the United States of Central America, which it was a part of together with Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua. Blue represents the oceans between which the country lies. White represents the country and the purity of the values of the country. In the middle is coat of arms with the Quetzal, the date of independence from Spain, a laurel wreath and two crossed guns.


The Guatemalan quetzal was introduced in 1925. The Quetzal is the national bird of Guatemala. The Quetzal replaces the peso. Depicted on the banknote is general Justo Rufino Barrios, president from 1873 to 1885.


In Chichicastenango you get the feeling that you are going back in time. An eternal fire, in which food is being sacrificed, burns at the Santo Tomas church, built 1540. The stairs are sacred. Early november is the feast of St Tomas where a group of men with masks and sombreros dance the whole day on the square in front of the church. Also visit the cemetery early november. The graves are painted for the Dias de Los Muerto's.

Antigua was the seat of the colonial rule over much of Central America during the Spanish rule. The town is on the world heritage list. In 1773 a heavy earthquake destroyed most of Antigua after which Ciudad Guatemala became the seat of colonial rule. Antigua is surrounded by three volcanoes. Take an excursion to the Pacaya volcano. You also get police guidance because you pass the very criminal capital of Guatemala. The climb begins in the village of San Francisco which is at an elevation of 1,900 meters of the 2,550 meter high volcano. Chances are good that you are witnessing a lava flow. In 2000, another group of tourists were surprised by an eruption. Nobody got injured because the strong wind blew away from them.

Lago de Atitlan is a former volcano crater between three volcanoes. Take the ferry from Panajachel to San Pedro on the other side. It is an attractive village at the foot of the 3,020 meter high San Pedro volcano. There are lots of cafe's and restaurants in the alleys near the waterfront. Take a walk with a guide along the lake and smell all the herbs.

The Casa de La Cultura foundation in Totonicapan arranges an overnight stay at the locals of the village who receive a small contribution. My choice fell on a house between the corn fields. A mother lives here with her daughter. A simple meal and a good bed. Before dinner we had some rum and cola we had a conversation about everyday things. It helps if you speak some spanish. There is no such thing as a refrigerator and you have to wash yourself outside.

Tikal (place of the voices) is located in the middle of the jungle. The Maya complex, where much remains are being restored, was the location of the rebel base of the movie Star Wars in 1977. The complex was built around the year 0 and abandoned around 900. In 60 Yax Ehb'x was the first king. The last, Jasaw Chan K'awill ruled until 889. Little is known about the history of the complex. The restoration work is expensive. Only the front of temple five has been restored and that cost about $ 1.5 million. On the main square stands the very steep temple of the jaguar (45 meter high).